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Parliament Group

The Team

The organisation consists of a Managing Director responsible for the overall management of the project, a four-member Management Committee governing company policy and objectives, and a Support Team employed on a seasonal/contract basis.

The Managing Director reports directly to the Management Committee and is supported by a team of specialist professionals.

Managing Director:
Maria Leyva

Management Committee (Trustees):
Faik M Hanna, Chair
Sophia Bac
Sonia O'Hanlon
Katarzyna Kroplewska

Support Team:
Patrick Baron, Cultural Integration Tutor
Sarah Simmons, Voice Coach Tutor
Miranda Pestell, Tutor
Rebecca Trethewey, Tutor
Paul Lloyd, Copywriter

As an organization, we are committed to the good practice guides governing the operations of non profit organizations as set by the Charity commission. We also use the PQASSO model to ensure quality and efficacy of services provided.

All project operations are subject to a regular quarterly review by the organization’s Trustees, and corrections or modifications are effected where and as necessary.


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